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Can Chiropractors Treat Herniated Discs

Can Chiropractors Treat Herniated Discs?

Living with the pain of a herniated disc can significantly impact your daily life, pushing many people towards medication or even surgery. Although these options offer immediate relief, they also carry risks and often don’t tackle the root cause of the pain. Yet there is a gentler, more natural route to pain relief and healing through the practice of chiropractic care.

A disc acts as a cushion between the vertebrae in the spine. When it becomes damaged or misaligned it can press against a nerve, causing pain that ranges from mild to severe. Herniated discs affect up to 2% of people each year and is a leading cause of pain in the back, neck and legs.

Chiropractic treatment can be very effective for patients seeking relief from the pain and discomfort associated with a herniated disc. This article breaks down herniated discs, their symptoms, and how chiropractic interventions not only alleviate pain but also promote lasting spinal health.

Deciphering Herniated Discs

Often known as slipped discs, herniated discs are a frequent source of discomfort and mobility challenges. These discs, which are designed to absorb shocks for the spine, can cause significant pain when they bulge or rupture. This problem can arise from spinal deterioration, injury, or a combination thereof, affecting any part of the spine and progressing through various stages from degeneration to sequestration.

The symptoms of a herniated disc are varied, ranging from noticeable pain in different parts of the body to numbness, tingling or muscle weakness. The specific symptoms depend on the disc’s location within the spine – lumbar, thoracic or cervical. Occasionally, individuals may not notice any symptoms until an MRI scan reveals the condition.

The Chiropractic Solution to Herniated Discs

Chiropractors take a comprehensive approach to treating herniated discs, aiming to restore proper spinal alignment and relieve pain without resorting to surgery or drugs. The process begins with an in-depth evaluation of the patient’s spine and medical history to understand the extent of the disc damage. This assessment is crucial for developing a customized treatment plan that may incorporate various techniques to meet the patient’s unique needs.

Essential Chiropractic Techniques

Spinal Decompression: A therapeutic approach that elongates the spine, facilitating the healing process by allowing healing nutrients to reach the disc.

Flexion-Distraction Technique: A non-invasive method that stretches the spine, moving the herniated disc away from the nerve to reduce pain.

Pelvic Blocking Technique: Utilizes specially designed cushions to gently realign the herniated disc.

Physical Therapy: Works alongside chiropractic care to stabilize and enhance the spine’s flexibility and motion range.

Chiropractors might also suggest additional treatments like fascial stretch therapy or massage therapy to aid in the recovery process.

Choosing Chiropractic Care for Herniated Discs

For patients considering natural remedies for herniated discs, chiropractic treatment can be an effective and life-changing alternative. Under the guidance of Dr. Gary Cullin, the Lindenhurst Accident & Injury Center provides patients many options for beneficial treatment – including chiropractic, physical therapy, laser therapy, pain management and more. We aim to enhance overall spinal health and provide a comprehensive solution for patients in search of relief.