193 N. Wellwood Ave. Lindenhurst, NY

Slipping Rib Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms and Chiropractic Care

Slipping Rib Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms and Chiropractic Care

Slipping Rib Syndrome, a condition that often flies under the radar, can cause significant discomfort and confusion for those affected. This syndrome occurs when the cartilage on a lower rib slips and moves, leading to pain in the chest or upper abdomen. It’s a condition that can easily be mistaken for other ailments.

What Causes Slipping Rib Syndrome?

The root cause of Slipping Rib Syndrome is typically related to hypermobility of the ribs at the costochondral (rib-to-cartilage) or costovertebral (rib-to-spine) joints. This hypermobility can result from various factors – including physical trauma, repetitive upper body motion, or even chronic coughing. Athletes, particularly those engaged in sports requiring repetitive twisting motions, are at a higher risk of developing this condition.

Symptoms to Watch For

The hallmark symptom of Slipping Rib Syndrome is a sharp, stabbing pain in the lower chest or upper abdominal area, often exacerbated by certain movements or deep breathing. Some individuals may also experience a popping or clicking sensation in the ribs. Due to its vague and varied symptoms, it’s not uncommon for the condition to be misdiagnosed as gastrointestinal distress, heart problems or other musculoskeletal issues.

How A Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractic treatment can be effective for those suffering from Slipping Rib Syndrome. By employing techniques aimed at improving rib mobility and alignment, chiropractors can significantly alleviate pain and discomfort. Treatments may include targeted adjustments to reposition the slipped rib and exercises designed to strengthen the surrounding muscles, therefore reducing the risk of recurrence.

Additionally, chiropractic treatment emphasizes a holistic approach which addresses not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of the condition. This may involve lifestyle and ergonomic advice to prevent future episodes. Seeing a chiropractor can provide a non-invasive solution to this painful syndrome, restoring quality of life and physical function.

While challenging, Slipping Rib Syndrome is not insurmountable. With the right diagnosis and customized care from a chiropractor, patients can find relief and return to their daily activities without the potential of pain looming over them. If you are in the Lindenhurst NY area and want to consult with our medical professionals to address Slipping Rib Syndrome, contact us today to learn more about your treatment options.